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  1. Deadline
  2. πŸ‘₯ Team
    1. Introduction
    2. Install evo
    3. Downloading the dataset
    4. Confirm Docker Engine is Installed
    5. Setting up your repository
    6. Building Docker Images
    7. Running ORB-SLAM3
    8. Running Kimera
    9. Fixing the timestamps
    10. πŸ“¨ Deliverable 1 - Performance Comparison [60 pts]
    11. πŸ“¨ [Optional] Deliverable 2 - LDSO [+10 pts]
    12. Summary of Team Deliverables
    13. [Optional] Provide feedback (Extra credit: 3 pts)


The VNAV staff will clone your repository on November 13th at 1pm EST. Since this is lab9.5, there are no Individual questions (since you did them as lab9).

πŸ‘₯ Team


Purpose: Process a dataset with two separate SLAM pipelines and compare their predicted trajectories.

For this assignment, we will be evaluating two open source SLAM systems:

For a fair comparison, we will evaluate both systems on the same input data. Specifically, we will be using MH_01_easy, a sequence of the popular EuRoC dataset (paper, webpage). To get a feel for what this sequence looks like, checkout a video here.

After we process the dataset with both systems, we will compare their trajectory estimates using evo, a python toolbox for comparing and evaluating the quality of trajectory estimates.

Install evo

  1. Install evo with:
    pip install evo
  2. Confirm evo installed correctly by running evo on your command-line. If everything is working, should expect to see something like this:
$ evo
Initialized new /home/vnav/.evo/settings.json
usage: evo [-h] {pkg,cat_log} ...

(c) evo authors - license: run 'evo pkg --license'
More docs are available at:

Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM

Supported trajectory formats:
* TUM trajectory files
* KITTI pose files
* ROS and ROS2 bagfile with geometry_msgs/PoseStamped,
    geometry_msgs/TransformStamped, geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped,
    geometry_msgs/PointStamped, nav_msgs/Odometry topics or TF messages
* EuRoC MAV dataset groundtruth files

The following executables are available:

   evo_ape - absolute pose error
   evo_rpe - relative pose error

   evo_traj - tool for analyzing, plotting or exporting multiple trajectories
   evo_res - tool for processing multiple result files from the metrics
   evo_ipython - IPython shell with pre-loaded evo modules
   evo_fig - (experimental) tool for re-opening serialized plots
   evo_config - tool for global settings and config file manipulation

Note: Check out evo’s documentation (i.e., its README and wiki) to learn how to use it..

Downloading the dataset

  1. Download lab9_data.tar.gz (~1.46GB) from here.
  2. Assuming you downloaded the lab9_data.tar.gz to ~/Downloads, run the following commands to (i) ensure you have ~/vnav/data and (ii) move lab9_data.tar.gz to the correct folder:
    mkdir -p ~/vnav/data
    mv ~/Download/lab9_data.tar.gz ~/vnav/data
  3. Navigate to the folder ~/vnav/data and extract the dataset:
    cd ~/vnav/data
    tar xzvf lab9_data.tar.gz
  4. Confirm the data extracted and the following directory structure exists:
    └── mav0
     β”œβ”€β”€ body.yaml
     β”œβ”€β”€ cam0
     β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ data
     β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── ... (.png files)
     β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ data.csv
     β”‚Β Β  └── sensor.yaml
     β”œβ”€β”€ cam1
     β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ data
     β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── ... (.png files)
     β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ data.csv
     β”‚Β Β  └── sensor.yaml
     β”œβ”€β”€ imu0
     β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ data.csv
     β”‚Β Β  └── sensor.yaml
     β”œβ”€β”€ leica0
     β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ data.csv
     β”‚Β Β  └── sensor.yaml
     └── state_groundtruth_estimate0
      Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ data.csv
      Β Β  └── sensor.yaml

Note: If you’re interested, you can access the full dataset on Google Drive here.

Confirm Docker Engine is Installed

You should have already done this as lab8 - Deliverable 2, if not go back to that lab and follow those instructions.

Setting up your repository

  1. Update the starter code repo:
    cd ~/vnav/starter-code
    git pull
  2. Copy relevant starter code to your team-submissions repo:
    cp -r ~/vnav/starter-code/lab9 ~/vnav/team-submissions
  3. Navigate directly to ~/vnav/team-submissions/lab9:
    cd ~/vnav/team-submissions/lab9

    Note: This lab is a little different than previous assignments – you will not be directly building any ROS2 code, so you do NOT need to link this folder to your ~/vnav/ws folder in any way. Instead you will be working directly in this folder for this assignment.

Building Docker Images

Building Containers

The next steps will take a while (each docker image will take at least 10+ minutes to build)! Do NOT try and build both containers at once!

First, we’ll build ORB_SLAM3:

cd ~/vnav/team-submissions/lab9
docker build -f- -t orbslam:latest . < Dockerfile_ORBSLAM3

Next, we’ll build Kimera:

cd ~/vnav/team-submissions/lab9
docker build -f- -t kimera:latest . < Dockerfile_KIMERA

Note: If you didn’t setup your docker install group permissions, you might need to include a sudo before the docker build commands.

Running ORB-SLAM3

You can run ORB-SLAM3 via

./ orbslam:latest

You should see something like this:


Wait for ORB-SLAM3 to finish running the entire sequence (it will exit automatically when finished). You should now see a file named CameraTrajectory.txt under output/orbslam.

Running Kimera

You can run Kimera via

./ kimera:latest

You should see something like this:

Kimera Viz

Wait for Kimera to finish running the entire sequence (it will exit automatically when finished). You should now see several files under output/kimera. We specifically care about output/kimera/traj_vio.csv.

Fixing the timestamps

ORB-SLAM3 and Kimera use slightly different data formats. We have provided you with a script, that will correct this. (Specifically, the script converts the ORB-SLAM3 timestamps to nanoseconds, and converts the Kimera-VIO trajectory to the right format.)

After you have run both SLAM pipelines, you can run this script with the following command:


πŸ“¨ Deliverable 1 - Performance Comparison [60 pts]

Using the workflow above, we are going to ask you address the following questions in a PDF (named results.pdf). Make sure you commit the full lab9 folder to your team-submissions repository. Make sure to confirm you have committed the following components:

  • The starter code (including any modifications you may have made)
  • Your results.pdf
  • The output folder with your produced SLAM trajectories

Running the MH_01_easy Sequence

You will not receive full credit unless you run Kimera and ORB-SLAM3 against the full MH_01_easy sequence. Make sure you don't terminate it early!

  1. Process the trajectories using the above workflow. Results should appear in the output folder.
  2. Use the evo_traj tool to plot both trajectories for MH_01_easy. Add this plot to your results.pdf and comment on the differences that you see between trajectories:
    evo_traj tum output/kimera/kimera.txt output/orbslam/orb_slam3.txt --plot
  3. Convert the ground-truth trajectory for the MH_01_easy sequence to the β€œright format”, and plot the result. Specifically, to compare the ground-truth pose data from the EuRoC dataset, we need to fix the pose alignment (see note below).
    evo_traj euroc ~/datasets/vnav/MH_01_easy/mav0/state_groundtruth_estimate0/data.csv --save_as_tum
    evo_traj tum output/kimera/kimera.txt output/orbslam/orb_slam3.txt --ref data.tum --plot --align

    Add this plot to results.pdf and comment on the differences that you see between trajectories.

Note: In general, different SLAM systems may use different conventions for the world frame, so we have to align the trajectories in order to compare them. This amounts to solving for the optimal (in the sense of having the β€œbest fit” to the ground truth) $\SE{3}$ transformation of the estimated trajectory. Fortunately, tools like evo provide implementations that do this for us, so we’re not going to ask you to implement the alignment process in this lab.

πŸ“¨ [Optional] Deliverable 2 - LDSO [+10 pts]

Based on LSD-SLAM, LDSO is a direct (and sparse) formulation for SLAM. It can also handle loop closures (a limitation of the original LSD-SLAM).

Install the code for LDSO by following the in the GitHub repository.

In the same there is an example on how to run this pipeline for the EuRoC dataset:

cd ~/path/to/LDSO
./bin/run_dso_euroc preset=0 files=$HOME/vnav/data/MH_01_easy/mav0/cam0

At this point, you should be able to see the following window:


LDSO will by default output the results in results.txt in the same folder where you ran the command. You can also specify the output folder by setting the output flag when running DSO. The results file will only be generated once the sequence has been processed.

Note that the output from LDSO might be formatted incorrectly (e.g., spurious backspaces).

Plot the trajectory produced by LDSO with the trajectories from Kimera and ORB-SLAM3. Briefly comment on any differences in the trajectories.

Note that LDSO is a monocular method and there is no way of recovering the true scale of the scene. You will want to use the --correct_scale flag for evo to estimate not just the $\SE{3}$ alignment of the predicted trajectory to the ground-truth trajectory, but also the global scale factor.

Here’s an example of the aligned trajectories plotted in the x-y plane (you can add the flag --plot_mode xy to compare with this plot):

Kimera Output

Summary of Team Deliverables

  1. Comparison plots of Kimera and ORB-SLAM3 on MH_01_easy with comments on differences in trajectories
  2. Plot of Kimera and ORB-SLAM3 trajectories on MH_01_easy aligned with ground-truth with comments on any differences in the trajectories
  3. [Optional] Plot of Kimera + ORB-SLAM3 + LDSO (aligned and scale corrected with ground-truth) with comments on any differences in trajectories

[Optional] Provide feedback (Extra credit: 3 pts)

This assignment involved a lot of code rewriting, so it is possible something is confusing or unclear. We want your feedback so we can improve this assignment (and the class overall) for future offerings. If you provide actionable feedback to the Google Form link, you can get up to 3 pts of extra credit. Feedback can be positive, negative, or something in between – the important thing is your feedback is actionable (i.e., β€œI did’t like X” is vague, hard to address, and thus not actionable).

The Google Form is pinned in the course Piazza (we do not want to post the link publically, which is why it is not provided here).

Note that we cannot give extra points for anonymous feedback while maintaining your anonymity. That being said, you are still encouraged to provide anonymous feedback if you’d like!

Copyright © 2018-2022 MIT. This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0